Frequently asked questions

This page includes frequently asked questions. You may be able to find an answer to your question here. If not, please contact us directly.

Where can I find the nearest outlet that carries my title/product?

For each product, please see the map on the website and look for the nearest outlets that carry it.


How do I know when a product comes out?

Go to the dedicated product page on the Lehtipiste website and opt in for a product-specific release notification that will be sent to your e-mail.


Why is a certain issue no longer available at a Lehtipiste outlet?

The product may be sold out at an outlet. For each product, see the map for the outlets that carry it. If a product is no longer available for purchase through Lehtipiste, it is usually due to low demand or because the publisher has ceased publication of its print version.


Where can I find back issues?

For back issues, contact the publisher directly. Lehtipiste does not keep back issues in stock.


Can I purchase magazines and other products on the Lehtipiste website?

Magazines or other products are not available for purchase on the Lehtipiste website. For each product, see the map for the nearest outlets that carry it.

Why do foreign titles come out later in Finland than in their country of origin?

Distribution of foreign titles in Finland depends on printing and transport schedules. The majority of titles are transported by sea, which takes 1 to 3 weeks depending on the country of origin. Once they arrive in Finland, they are labelled with pricing information required by consumer legislation and then distributed to outlets. Changes in shipping schedules, customs formalities or transport industry strikes may also affect delivery schedules.


Why are foreign titles priced differently from their country of origin?

Transport and handling costs related to import affect pricing.


Why don’t the foreign titles include the same supplements/sections than in their country of origin?

Publishers decide which supplements/sections are included in international deliveries. The product can therefore vary in some respects from the one on sale in its country of origin.

Why are afternoon paper supplements not available for purchase separately?

Bundling a supplement with an afternoon paper is a selling method mandated by the publisher. On their front page, both Ilta-Sanomat and Iltalehti declare the price for the paper only and for the bundle that includes the supplement.


Where do I place a complaint if a product I purchased is faulty?

You can return a faulty product directly to the outlet where you purchased it. The same goes for issues that are missing any supplements promised on the front page or cover (unless its omission in Finland is specifically mentioned).


How do I get my product distributed through Lehtipiste?

More information for publishers and suppliers is available here.


I would like to become Lehtipiste partner. How do I proceed?

More information is available in the partnership section.