Product delivery and distribution

Delivery of products to Lehtipiste and distribution to outlets.

Our logistics centre is located in Vantaa where products included in the magazine process are dispatched to Lehtipiste terminals across Finland. Line-haul transports from newspaper and tabloid presses are also delivered to the terminals.

At the terminals, all service products in Lehtipiste’s distribution network, including tabloids, magazines and Finnish and foreign newspapers, are combined to constitute one daily visit to the outlet, i.e. a distribution drop. Distribution drops are routed daily for vehicle-specific distribution routes.

Distribution drops for the group’s other units and for external clients are merged with the same distribution routes, while returns are also picked up at the outlets during the same distribution drop.

Distribution routes for shared deliveries are meticulously planned to save money, time and the environment. The Lehtipiste logistics network operates six days a week from Monday to Saturday.